On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Alex Paransky wrote:

> Does anyone know what the "domain was null" message means?  How do I get rid
> of it.  Where do I specify a domain?  HEEEEEELP, someone please.  I have
> been posting this question for the last 3 weeks, and still I have no
> answers.
As far as I know, 'domain was null' shows up if you try to access a url
without specifying an application. Eg if you specify ormi://localhost
instead of ormi://localhost/appname

> PS: Is this what it takes to get a question answered?  Is there a different
> forum for paying customers?  If I pay $1500, will I get my questions
> answered faster?
One would assume so. Paying customers are prioritised in the support queue
(from personal experience).


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