Dear Alessandro,
the problem is in the page where I use the tag. I  miss that value just
there and I save the dipartimentoQuery in the session. The mai problem is
with the jsp:setProperty tag. It saves string values, but losts Integers!
You're Italian, aren't you? I'm from Cosenza...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: usebean tag

> >This is the code:
> >
> ><jsp:useBean id="dipartimentoQuery"
> >class="" />
> ><jsp:setProperty name="dipartimentoQuery" property="*" />
> >
> >In my jsp page this code would take the values from a previous form and
> >take them in my bean, but I lost the Integer value idUniversita (it was
> >a select tag). So I had to take it by a
> >request.getParameer("idUniversita")... Is this an Orion bug, is this a
> >Nicola's bug? Too strange!
> >Thanks in advance...
> Nicola,
> When you use the <jsp:useBean> tag with that syntax, you are inserting
> bean in the page scope. Once the page is completed, that scope will be
> cleaned up and your bean will be lost, so, if in a previous page you have
> set the idUniversita member, it will be lost. Try inserting that bean in
> the session scope, for example, so it will be accessible to the next page
> and you will not use that value.
>          Best Regards,
>                  Kazuma
> Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita'
> d'esecuzione.
> (Amici Miei)
> ---
> Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati
>   ICQ UIN: 1600386
> Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

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