
We're testing our web project (JSPs, Servlets and MS SQL 2000 DB).
Orion app server version is v1.4.0.

The test tool is MSWeb Application Stress v1.1.
It's cool and free anyway, take a look:

The problem is minor, but it would be nice to clarify.

During a 10 hour reliability test, some error appears, but only for POST
(The testing is replaying a recorded "browsing" by sending the POST and GET
requests to the server, so it's like an average user, just no delay between
the requests. FYI: Number of hits: 10798682 Requests per Second: 299.88, so
it's quite busy).

We have two problematic POSTs:


URI:                          POST /login?action=dologout
Hit Count:                    42018

Result Codes
Code      Description                   Count
200       OK                            42001
500       Internal Server Error         17


URI:                          POST /login?action=login-frommain
Hit Count:                    42018

Result Codes
Code      Description                   Count
200       OK                            42010
500       Internal Server Error         8

What is interesting that there are no other POSTs in the test, just GETs, so
it's somehow seems to be related to the type of the request.
We're doing heavy logs during the test using log4j, so we have the complete
log in a file. There is no detected problem in the log.
The possible System.outs from Orion are lost, since the window it's running
has only 999 line buffer.

As you probably noticed, these POST methods are going to a servlet, mapped
to /login.
Other mappings are used of course, so the problem is not related to servlet

Unfortunately I don't know when those logs coming (at once or in random

My questions:
- how to store orion logs?
- any ideas what is this problem?
- is there any way to catch these kind of errors?

Any help would be very nice.

Thank you in advance,

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