Strangely enough, I ran into this problem yesterday.  It seems that different 
browsers report the value of the CONTENT-LENGTH variable differently.  for 
reasons I acn't conceive of, MSIE deducts 2 characters from the length it 
reports for each @ in the form output.  Netscape does not.  
I don't know if the CGI servlet uses teh CONTENT-LENGTH variable to terminate 
its read of teh form output, but if it does, that may be where the problem 
This may be a job for the folks at orion to look into.

Dave Oliver

>X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Apr  3 04:45:11 2001
>Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 12:34:55 +0200
>From: Peter Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: FQSD
>X-Mailer: Orion ListServer
>X-Accept-Language: en,de-AT,de-DE
>To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Problem with "@" character submitted in POST request through
>  TunnelServlet
>Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>There's a bug in the CGI servlet.
>What happens is:
>I have an HTML form which is transmitted via POST request.
>Two parameters are passed: email and action
>what should arrive is:
>When perl gets the request the second parameter is truncated
>This happens only if the first parameter contains the "@" character.
>I suppose the same bug affects the TunnelServlet too.
>I already informed Orion support about that some time ago, but didn't
>get a response, and 1.4.7 still doesn't correct this issue.
>For us this trivial bug is absolutely critical because we need to have
>orion handle requests and SSL in the front. Certain apps (the IMP PHP
>webmail) should be tunneled to apache, which still doesn't work!
>Other URL-encoded characters don't seem to have a negative effect, but
>the "@" causes the problem with the following parameter.
>I read on the list that also others have had problems with the Tunnel
>Servlet and POST requests.
>Maybe we can track down the bug a bit deeper.
>I entered it in Bugzilla as Bug Nr. 387 and hope that it finally will be
>taken care of.


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