Title: SV: request.getHeaders() totally broken

You better report this to Bugzilla.
For the second part (multiple header statements), Isnt that suposed to go into a single header?
Accept: a,b,c,d ?


> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Gerald Gutierrez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat: den 4 april 2001 15:02
> Till: Orion-Interest
> Ämne: request.getHeaders() totally broken
> It seems that request.getHeaders() is completely broken in
> Orion 1.4.7. If I
> call:
> request.getHeaders("Accept")
> And the HTTP request has the HTTP header:
> Accept:
> (that is Accept header with no value), Orion happily goes
> into an infinite
> loop and then eventually breaks out with an OutOfMemoryError.
> If, instead, I
> give it the headers:
> Accept: a
> Accept: b
> Accept: c
> Accept: d
> then getHeaders() just gives me the value of the first header (i.e. an
> enumeration with one element, with the value "a") and ignores
> all the rest.
> This cannot be intended behaviour. Has anyone else noticed this bug?

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