M-N relationships do work in Orion, although not bidirectionally.
WebLogic has good support for most of the EJB2.0 spec, and there is a
product that runs on top of JBoss that allows you to deploy EJB2.0
packages (it converts everything to the 1.1 format for JBoss to
consume).  I don't remember the name of it offhand, but I'm sure you'll
find it if you look through the JBoss lists.
I've got to agree with Hani; complaining with such bitterness about the
incompleteness of Orion's EJB2.0 support is ludicrous, especially when
you consider that Orion is one of ONLY TWO servers on the market to
publicly offer *any* native EJB2.0 support.
Incidentally, rather than putting that code of yours in a separate
session bean, you can put it in the entities themselves, completely
preserving the EJB2.0 relationship method illusion.  Or better yet (I
have found), you can simply hide a call to a finder within the
getEntityCollection() business methods... this allows you to leave the
relationship unidirectional in implementation.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Ray Harrison 
        Sent: Thu 4/5/2001 6:47 PM 
        To: Orion-Interest 
        Subject: Re: Bi-directional relations (my kludge)

        Hi Reid -
        What App Servers currently offer m-n relationships - I'm
interested in exploring how some of them
        --- Reid Hartenbower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > I have found the lack of bi-directional support very
frustrating, and think
        > that it so impedes CMP functionality that it should be
qualified as a bug,
        > and not a pending feature.
        > I also don't see what the big technical challenge in
implementing it would
        > be.
        > If Orion is going to be this sluggish with support and new
features, I would
        > ask them to consider going open source.  Let me fix it if you
won't--do you
        > hear me Orion guys?
        > My workaround is to manage the relations with a
'RelationManager' session
        > bean.  For n-m relations, I create my join tables with
composite primary
        > keys, as in (for hsql):
        > CREATE TABLE User_Order (
        >     userId              CHAR(37)            NOT NULL,
        >     orderId            CHAR(37)            NOT NULL,
        >     PRIMARY KEY (userId, orderId));
        > Then in the session bean, I explicitly create both sides of
the relationship
        > (eg. user.addOrder(order) and order.addUser(user) ) and catch
the duplicate
        > key exception, as in:
        >     user.addOrder(order);
        >     if(NON_DIRECTIONAL_BUG) {
        >       try {
        >         order.addUser(user);
        >       }
        >       catch(EJBException e) {
        >         // for Orion 1.4.7 bidirectional bug;
        >       }
        >     }
        > When (if) Orion fixes this bug, the modifications to my code
will be slight.
        > ----- Original Message -----
        > From: "Ray Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        > To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        > Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:50 AM
        > Subject: Re: Bi-directional relations
        > > Nope.
        > > --- Patrik Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > > > Does bi-directional relations work yet? I'm pretty sure it
did not work
        > the
        > > > last time I tried, but that was a fix fix versions ago.
        > > >
        > > > Any news on this issue?
        > > >
        > > > regards,
        > > > Patrik Andersson
        > > >
        > >
        > >
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