A more common reason for that error is that your database server, or the JDBC
driver, has a timeout built into the connection. For instance, MySQL will timeout
a connection after 8 hours. The MySQL JDBC driver has a option that you can turn
on to "keepalive" the database connection. If it were an incompatibility with
the JVM or servlet engine, seems it would happen constantly, not occasionally.
Connection timeouts, on the other hand, do occur occasionally. I would not be
concerned about the error, since it should not cause corruption, just failed
requests. I would, however, be concerned about technocal support from Thruport.


> I am running AdJuggler Pro (http://thruport.com/adjuggler/) on Orion and
> have been getting the following error on occassion.  Does the statement from
> Thruport Support sound accurate to you guys and should I be concerned about
> this occasional error?
> thanx,
> Larry
> -----Original Message-----
> Entered on 04/06/2001 at 14:25:34 by noc:
> The error is caused by a problem with the socket connections.  They
> are not usually fatal in therms of the application.  More often then
> not it is caused by an incompatibility in either the JVM or the
> servlet engine used.
> -Thruport Support
> -=- 
> I am still receiving these errors on occasion.
> Any indication as to what to look at would be helpful.  Or at least an
> explanation of what this error means.
> -Larry
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 11:55 PM
> Subject: Internal Error In AdJuggler at site: AJ4 Banner Server
> Error from AdJuggler at site: AJ4 Banner Server
> Exception: 
> java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in
> socket input stream read
>       at com.thruport.adjuggler.b.m.a(m.java)
>       at com.thruport.adjuggler.b.w.run(w.java)
>       at com.thruport.adjuggler.i.c.g.run(g.java)

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