
I have been monitoring the orion news group for some 5 months now and I have
never seen the contributers so dejected and negative about its creators as
they have of late. Don't get me wrong, I think that Orion is a fantastic
application server, but the creators have  seemingly fallen of the planet,
the 'new' company has never appeared and confidence in their ability to
support the product seems to be at an all time low.

As a developer I am inclined to stick with orion for development because
it's quick and easy to use. But for deployment our site needs to be up 24x7
and orion with its many support issues is starting to look like a huge risk.

My questions are:
a] What are people using for deployment on high profile sites (as an
alternative to orion - if at all)?
b] What do people consider to be the best alternative/backup application
server to orion (Considering we need J2EE compliance (jsp and ejb), we have
a tight budget and support is essential)?

Currently our live site is operating on a more expensive application server,
but Ideally we would like to move away to something as good as and as good
value as Orion.

Thanks in advance,


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