
The error I have is 500 (http internal server error), when I type
If I type http://localhost, I have the orion home page.

This the tree of the applications directory, once expanded by orion.

            |   +---net
            |   |   \---tnt
            |   |       +---user
            |   |       |   \---model
            |   |       +---util
            |   |       \---web
            |   |           +---control
            |   |           \---taglib
            |   \---org
            |       \---apache
            |           \---struts
            |               \---resources

The server.xml and default-web-site.xml have been modified as mentionned at
the bottom of this mail.

I have tried to modify the context root to "/" but it did not change.

I have just noticed that you can set the root="/taskforce" in
        <web-app application="taskforce" name="taskforce-web" root="/taskforce"/>
and also in the /META-INF/application.xml of you

I suppose they must be the same (which is the case for me). What is the role
of each ?

I guess there are 2 possible source of error
1) the way I have update the server.xml and default-web-site.xml
        <web-app application="taskforce" name="taskforceWebApp" root="/taskforce"/>

        <application name="taskforce" path="../applications/taskforce.ear" />

2) the directory structure (see above)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel Lopez
Sent: 10 April 2001 07:05
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Building an application

Hi Oliver,
Last week I was plating with the same thing and I was successful with
pretty much the same configuration that you have, except that in
application.xml I set the context root to /
(<context-root>/</context-root>). Which error are you getting ? 404? Can
you see your .ear file unpackaged?

> olivier wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Orion, and I have recently been trying to build an
> application (ear) with not much success. Basically, Orion seems to
> deploys all the components, but I can't get the first page to open on
> the browser.
> I am using struts as a framework, with the fix I have seen on this
> site (remove the dtd from the jar and put them under classes), and
> struts does not seem to be the problem now (especially since my first
> page is an index.html)
> The ear is in orion\applications
>     userEjb.jar
>     taskforce.war
>     \META-INF
>         application.xml
> source of application.xml for the ear
> <application>
>   <display-name>taskforce</display-name>
>   <description>Application description</description>
>   <module>
>     <web>
>       <web-uri>taskforce.war</web-uri>
>       <context-root>/taskforce</context-root>
>     </web>
>   </module>
>   <module>
>     <ejb>userEjb.jar</ejb>
>   </module>
> </application>
> I put this in default-web-site
>  <web-app application="taskforce" name="taskforceWebApp"
> root="/taskforce"/>
> this in server.xml
>  <application name="taskforce" path="../applications/taskforce.ear" />
> I have tried with the news.ear coming with orion, but same problem.
> Any clue?
> Thanks,
> olivier

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