
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Johan Fredriksson wrote:

> I'm using virtual hosts in my development to make sure that all links are correctly 
>set, that is I can access the same app in two ways, either via
> appname.localhost
> or
> localhost/appname
> .
> The problem is that I'm not sure how to figure out on a jsp page which entry point 
>was used, and this causes problem when I'm trying to map my servlet, since relative 
>paths to servlets does not seem to work...
> String parsing of request.getRequestURI() seems like a way to start, but I'm not 
>sure what how to write it, since in the future the app might be moved again to
> appname.serviceprovider.localhost
> vs
> localhost/serviceprovider/appname
> .
> Is there a way to get pageContext return application context?
> Johan

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