What the heck, as long as I'm here already...

I'd say that you want to look at setting up filters to handle the
pre-request action.  You can basically catch every request for your site in
a filter, make sure that it is appropriate, that sessions and application
are set-up right, and even do funky model 2 (request.setAttribute) stuff in
there before the actual JSP gets it.

Look at:
<servlet-mapping> and <filter-mapping> in web.xml

That should cover both pre-JSP action and catchall servlet mapping.

The load balancing business is usually pretty implementation specific, so I
don't have much to offer there.


Rian Schmidt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Topher LaFata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: Migratingfrom GSP

> Hi all.
> I am new to the orion/JSP/EJB sort of paradigm.
> Anyways, I am attempting to migrate a substantially
> sized GSP(Gnu Server Pages)/JServ application to the Orion platform for
> evaluation. I have a lot of functionality in place which relies on
> hooks present in GSP which do not seem to be obviously present in
> JSP/Orion. Namely when using the JSP facilites of Orion I need hooks
> into the following:
> *when the servlet is loaded
>    -it seems that I have to overide the init method of
>     the Orion JSPServlet. HOwever, how do i indicate that
>     my application should use this new subclassed servlet
>     to handle JSP requests?
> *when the session is created per user
>    -in GSP there is a sessionStart() hook.
> *when the request is recieved before it is handed
>   to the JSP for further processing.
>     -in GSP there is a requestStart() hook
> I also have a fair amount of custom code doing session
> persistence among multiple servers. Is there a particular
> interface thgat I could wrap my code with so Orion would
> use this stuff to do its session handling.
> These are probably stupid questions but I just started looking at
> JSP/Tomcat/Orion
> a couple of days ago and I am finding the amount of configuration a bit
> daunting. Thanks. toph

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