We are running Orion on RH 6.2, too. Here's a simple script we use to
start/stop it:

# Startup script for the Orion server

#chkconfig: 2345 9 91
#description: starts/stops orion app server

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting Orion: "
        cd /usr/src/orion/
        java -jar orion.jar > orionlog.txt 2>&1 & 
        echo "  [ OK ]"

        echo -n "Shutting down Orion: "
        cd /usr/src/orion/
        java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin <password> -shutdown force
        echo "  [ OK ]"

        $0 stop
        $0 start


        echo -n "Orion log:"
        cd /usr/src/orion/
        more orionlog.txt


        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|log}"
        exit 1

exit 0


Thomas Pridham wrote:
> I have installed Orion on RH Linux 6.2 and it runs correctly if I start it
> from the command line.  I have tried to use the startup script from
> OrionSupport to have Orion start on a reboot.  The script will not execute
> (I placed it in /etc/rc.d/init.d).  I have changed the script parameters,
> checked the script's permissions etc.......still no luck.  Anyone have any
> ideas?  What are others using to get Orion running on Linux?
> I also tried seaching the Orion mailing list......no luck there either.
> Thanks,
> Tom Pridham
> Software Engineer
> Computer Management Consultants
> 6951 Pistol Range Road
> Tampa, FL  33536
> http://www.cmctpa.com
> http://www.oakscape.com

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