Resending as this didn't seem to make it the first time...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 21:55:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: Hani Suleiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: orion 1.4.8 bug

Third bullet point on page 192 of the EJB 2.0 final draft says

'the bean provider must specify a unique abstract schema name for an
entity using the abstract-schema-name deployment description element'

The DTD states:

'The optional abstract-schema-name element must be specified for an entity
bean with container managed persistence and cmp-version 2.x'

So 1.4.8 seems correct in enforcing this...


On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Matthew R Bauer wrote:

> I have several ejb 2.0 beans.  I get the following error when deploying
> them (did not exist in 1.4.7):
> Error in application hermes: Error loading package at
> file:/opt/orion/applications/hermes/administratorEjb.jar,
> abstract-schema-name not specified for entity 'TheCompanySettings', it
> must be specified for EJB 2.0 style CMP beans
> Yet in the ejb 2.0 dtd it states that abstract-schema-name does not need
> to exist.  Any one else have this problem?  do I need to fill out a
> bugzilla.
> mattba

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