I have been following with interest recent questions about how Orion's JNDI 
works in regard to the following scenarios:

(1) one instance of Orion hosting web components, and another instance 
hosting ejb components

(2) a client application accessing ejb components on an Orion server

An analysis with a simple Hello example that also lists the various JNDI 
contexts under different configurations has been revealing. Under Orion 
1.4.7, I was successful in running both scenarios. With the release of 
Orion 1.4.8 yesterday, I have rerun the tests. Inspecting the context 
listings, things make much more sense in 1.4.8 than 1.4.7, although the 
functional behavior is nearly identical. (Orion 1.4.7 allows a web 
application to access ejb's in different named application; Orion 1.4.8 
does not, at least with the configurations I have tried. Neither 
application is the parent (orion specific) of the other.)

Although the discussion below is somewhat lengthy, I hope it will help 
others who are looking into these questions. (The zip files are not 
attached to this post. If this is of interest, I will see about providing 
them to orionsupport.)


The tests involve a web component, an ejb component, and a client 
application. The ejb is a session bean that issues a greeting (Hello). The 
greeting is set as an environment entry in the ejb-jar.xml. This component 
is deployed under several applications and the greeting is used to 
distinguish which ejb is accessed in the different tests. Another method 
returns a list the context names relative to a given "root" name. This 
method delegates to a helper class, ContextProbe, that recursively lists 
the names in the context. ContextProbe is also called from the web 
component. The web component consists of a hello.jsp that uses a "title" 
environment entry to further distinguish the tests. Finally, there are two 
request parameters accepted by the jsp: ejbName - to dynamically try 
different ejb names (e.g. ejb/Hello, java:comp/env/ejb/Hello) to lookup in 
the context; and target: to specify the target of the greeting.

To run the tests, I set up 3 separate instances of the orion server and one 
client. Four corresponding zip file contain the configuration files, web 
and ejb components, and the orion deployment files. Unzipping one of the 
server#.zip files in a fresh install of orion (plus the tools.jar file) 
gives a ready-to-run instance of orion, or client.

Server 1:

runs web and ejb components to test behavior within the same instance of orion

- web site on port 8801
- rmi server on port 23801

- deploy ejb component under the default app as ejb/Hello
- deploy ejb twice under hello app 1 as ejb/Hi and ejb/BonJour
- deploy ejb under hello app 2 as ejb/Howdy

- deploy web component under default app as /hello0-web
- deploy web component under hello app 1 as /hello1-web
- deploy web component under hello app 2 as /hello2-web

 From the url localhost:8801/hello1-web/?ejbName=name_to_lookup, the 
following results are observed:

ejb/Hello - works, by virtue of parent application concept in orion
ejb/Hi - works since in the same app
ejb/BonJour - works since in the same app
ejb/Howdy - fails, not in this app
java:comp/env/ejb/Hello - fails, since no ejb-ref defined in web.xml
java:comp/env/ejb/Hi - fails, since no ejb-ref defined in web.xml
java:comp/env/ejb/BonJour - works with ejb-ref defined in web.xml
java:comp/env/ejb/Howdy - fails, not in this app, not mapped in web.xml
java:comp/env/ejb/xxx - works, ejb-link defined in web.xml
java:comp/env/ejb/yyy- works, ejb-ref location="..." defined in 
orion-web.xml (location specified in orion-web.xml takes precedence over 
ejb-link in web.xml)

This behavior seems correct. The resulting web pages include the contexts 
listings from both the web component and the ejb component. The context 
listings under orion 1.4.8 make much more sense than under 1.4.7. Yet there 
is one puzzling inconsistency (not that I understand the other parts of the 

Under 1.4.8 the subcontext java:comp starting with "" is disjoint with the 
context listed starting with "java:comp". From the url 

under the default context, the subcontext java:comp contains:

Name: Administrator ClassName: 
Name: ResourceFinder ClassName: 
Name: ServerAdministrator ClassName:
Name: ApplicationClientConnector ClassName:

while starting at java:comp

Name: UserTransaction ClassName: com.evermind._du
Name: RoleManager ClassName: com.evermind._hg
Name: Logger ClassName: com.evermind._kwb
Name: UserManager ClassName: com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager
Name: env ClassName: com.evermind._hi
Name: ThreadPool ClassName: com.evermind._hf

Bug or feature?

Server 2:

runs web components to test orion-web to orion-ejb in separate instances 
using orion-specific features to perform remote ejb access

- web site on port 8802
- rmi server on port 23802

- deploy web component under hello app 1 as /hello1-web
- deploy web component under hello app 3 as /hello3-web

(1) add to rmi.xml
<server host="localhost" port="23801" username="admin" password="123" />
(Be sure the admin user is activated on Server 1)

(2) create a jar file with the ejb interface classes and the ContextProbe 
helper class; then either
   (a) place this jar file under orion/lib, or
   (b) place this file under hello-app1/WEB-INF/lib and insert into the 
config/application.xml file the following line to point to the jar file:
<ejb-module remote="true" 
path="../applications/hello-app1/hello-web/WEB-INF/lib/example.jar" />
(I started with the mini how-to that Jason Smith roughed out on April 3, 
2001: http://www.mail-archive.com/orion-interest@orionserver.com/msg11905.html)

 From the url localhost:8802/hello1-web/?ejbName=name_to_lookup (Note the 
port for server 2), the results are almost identical to those run from 
server 1. The difference is that for those names looked up from 
java:comp/env/ejb/.... In these cases, the ejb-link in the web.xml file 
seems to have no effect. When the web app is deployed by orion, an 
exception is generated the first time saying "No location found". The 
corresponding orion-web.xml must be edited to add the location="..." 
attribute to the ejb-ref.

I tried putting the <ejb-module remote="true" ... /> in the 
orion-application.xml file for hello app 1. This did not have the desired 
effect. The orion class loader seems to be looking in orion/lib (among 
other locations). When the path is specified in 
orion/config/application.xml as in (2) above, it is added to the path 
searched by the class loader. Bug or feature?

Adding an ejb module under hello app 1 on server 2 as ejb/Hola shows that
localhost:8802/hello1-web/?ejbName=ejb/Hola resolves as a local ejb, while
localhost:8802/hello1-web/?ejbName=ejb/BonJour resolves as a remote ejb

Interestingly, with no changes to server 1,
localhost:8801/hello1-web/?ejbName=ejb/Hola resolves to the ejb on server 2!
Bug or feature?

Hello app 3 does not have any local or remote ejb's, so of course it cannot 
work. There is no corresponding app on Server 1. Null Pointer exception are 
generated on server 1 apparently when trying to access the RMI Context for 
hello app 3. Deploying an ejb component under hello app 3 also generates a 
Null Pointer Exception on Server 1. Removing the ejb reference from the jsp 
and removing and context probing that falls under the RMI context (ejb, 
jdbc, jms, mail, url), the web app works. So, there can be applications on 
server 2 that do not have a corresponding element on server 1. Removing the 
dependency on an ejb and the initial context, If an app on the web server 
uses any ejb components, then there must be a corresponding app on server 1.

Server 3:

runs web components to test orion-web to orion-ejb in separate instances 
using lookup via initial context based on jndi properties

- web site on port 8803
- rmi server on port 23803)

- deploy web component under hello app 1 as /hello1-web
- deploy web component under hello app 2 as /hello2-web

(1) rmi.xml file has no additions (same as server 1, except for port #)
(2) same choices as for server 2 above

The hello.jsp is modified to get the InitialContext based on setting jndi 
properties, with the PROVIDER_URL set to 
"ormi://localhost:23801/hello-app1" and the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY as 
"com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory". Note that a second 
InitialContext is required to retrieve the environment entry for the title.

The location for the ejb-ref is again required in the orion-web.xml file 
and any ejb-link in the web.xml is ignored. The ejb/Hola in hello app 1 on 
server 2 is also available.

For the first time in any of the tests, the method call to 
PortableRemoteObject.narrow(...) is required for the application to work 
properly. Previous tests work presumably because orion-orion uses "insider 
knowledge". To comply with the J2EE spec, this method call should be used 
in every case...

Under orion 1.4.7, it was possible to set the provider url to another 
application. Under 1.4.8, orion is enforcing the requirement that only 
components in the same application can communicate (except for orion's 
concept of one application being parent to other apps).


The client consists of a single Java class: HelloClient. The client takes 
one argument, the name of the ejb to lookup. In this case, there is a 
jndi.properties file to specify the PROVIDER_URL and the 
INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY. An application-client.xml gives the ejb-ref and a 
corresponding orion-application-client.xml maps the reference to a jndi 
location in analogy to the web.xml and orion-web.xml files discussed above.

To run the client, the classpath must include orion.jar, ejb.jar from an 
orion directory, and the example.jar file in the client directory, e.g.

java -cp .;./example.jar;../server1/orion.jar;../server1/ejb.jar HelloClient

When using com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, the 
test results parallel those under Server 2.

When using com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory, however, the 
client must know the exact name of the ejb on the remote server to work. I 
would doubt that the application-client.xml or orion-application-client.xml 
files are read in this case. Bug or feature?

Earl Marwil
1690 International Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

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