Looking at the latest spec PFD2, it appears that it is not possible to
establish a unidirectional relationship between two entity beans in separate
ejb-jar.xml files.  With the removal of remote-ejb-name as a possible value
for <role-souce> it makes integration of two packages impossible without the
mess of taking and trying to merge two ejb-jar files into one.

Scenario 1:
We are developing an general accounting package.  Our clients need to
integrate with our package by establishing uni-directional relationships
from their CMP Entities into what we provide them.  Since they will not be
altering our ejb-jar (except for deployment) how can they reference our

Scenario 2:
Our accounting package contains a good number of CMP Entity beans.  Since
EJB A relates to B, and B relates to C, and C relates to D and E, and E
relates to G and so on. It is not possible to separate the ejb-jar into
multiple, smaller, ejb-jar files for the purpose of managing and controlling
change.  With over 100 EJBs a single ejb-jar becomes very unmanageable.

Are there any solutions to these problems?

Alex Paransky

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