
I just tried to duplicate your situation, both with zeroes (yielded a
400 Bad Request) and capital o's (yielded a 404 Not Found). I'm running
Orion 1.4.5 on Red Hat 6.2 with Sun's JDK 1.3.

Jeff Hubbach.

Rex McFarlin wrote:

> Can anyone help us solve a perplexing JSP bug? We have been
> unsuccessful.If a "%00" is attached to the end of a URL (as in,
> http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00 ) to a JSP page that is being
> served by Orion server, the user receives, not the rendered HTML page
> that he or she might be expecting, but a textual output of the raw JSP
> code for that page. We have found this to be true with the following
> configuration:Orion 1.4.1Win2KJDK1.3Thank you,Rex

Jeff Hubbach
Internet Developer
New Media Designs, Inc.

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