
I've deployed the Apache Cocoon Servlet as Web App into orion. Works great.
This Servlet can handle different mime-types such as xml, xsl, html and so on.

Now I've the problem, that If the servlet returns XML to the browser a chained
servlet from within the 'config/global-web-application.xml'
       <servlet-chaining servlet-name="xsl" mime-type="text/xml" />
will process it. How can I disable this?

My first approach was to remove all the servlet entries from this xml file,
but I think it would be better, to disable the servlet mappings only for my
'web application' context root, such as 'myorionserver/cocoon'. So other web
applications can used the global definitions.

Any ideas on how to setup this? I've overlooked something?


Steffen Stundzig                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com

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