Orion is not an IIOP-based server.  It uses client stubs to communicate
using the "Orion RMI Protocol" (ormi).

If you need to access EJBs from a pure CORBA client, you have three
options I can think of:

Write your own RMI proxy
Use some sort of HTTP-based RPC mechanism
Use an app server which speaks IIOP natively

There seems to be something of a religious war over the issue of
stubs/proxies vs. IIOP.  There is a lot of interesting discussion in the
EJB-INTEREST archives about this.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bogdan Calmac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 12:07 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Pure Corba client and Orion
> I am evalating Orion as a potential application server for 
> our product and I
> want to use a pure Corba client with Orion. The question I have are:
> 1) Does Orion provide a tool to generate idl from the remote 
> interfaces
> (similar to rmic from the jdk)?
> 2) If not, is the idl generated by rmic compatible with Orion server?
> 3) What is the default port of the naming service and how can it be
> configured?
> Thanks a lot,
> Bogdan Calmac,
> CISCO Systems.

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