Excel stylesheets?  Perhaps you mean XSL :-)

If you use the JAXP 1.1 transforms api, creating a Templates object
should produce a "precompiled" version of an XSLT.  Although this will
be completely dependent on implementation, I don't believe any
implementations actually compile to bytecode - really "precompiled"
means "preparsed" and maybe stored in a format for efficient processing.

On a related note:

A friend and I are nearly finished constructing a simple MVC framework
with sophisticated XSLT support.  We will be publishing it with an
Apache-style license in about a week.  Cool things this framework does:

. Output from a view can be run through a config-defined sequence of
iterative XSLT transformations.

. The JavaBeans model returned from a command can be automagically
adapted to a DOM for XSLT transformation without JSP, XSP, or any other
templating language.  Efficiently go directly from java beans to XSLT.

. The transformation process can be halted at any step, allowing the
XSLT creators/designers to work from static XML generated from the
previous step(s).

. Other templating systems can be used to feed input to the
transformation process, including JSP and Velocity.  Plain XML inputs
can be used as well.

. XSLT transformations are not required.  It's still an elegant MVC
framework for simple JSP/Velocity/? -> HTML processing.

I've attached an example configuration file so you can see the kinds of
things you can do with the framework.

Is anyone interested?

Jeff Schnitzer

-----Original Message-----
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 5:55 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Caching XLS style sheets

I asked a question on an MVC application architecture using XLS, and got
advice to cache XLS / XSLT style sheets, and pre compile them.

Can someone give me some more background on this.
What if the content is dynamic? (2 million items and 100,000  of styles
+ with any combination)

Thanks in advance,  


	<!-- ========== Global Views ========== -->
	<view id="goHome">
	<!-- ========== Commands ========== -->
	<command id="signup">
		<controller type="org.infohazard.controller.Signup" />
		<view id="success">
			<source-model root="foo" />
				<transform src="templates/file1.xsl" />
				<transform src="templates/file2.xsl" />

		<view id="something">
				<transform src="templates/file1.xsl" />
				<transform src="templates/file2.xsl" />

		<view id="another">
			<source-jsp bean="foo" scope="request">jsps/blah.jsp</source-jsp>
				<transform src="templates/file1.xsl" />
				<transform src="templates/file2.xsl" />
				<transform src="templates/file3.xsl" />

	<command id="about">
		<!-- No controller, the source document is always loaded -->
			<transform src="templates/file1.xsl" />
		<!-- </view> -->

	<command id="home">
		<controller type="org.infohazard.action.Home" />
		<!-- Unnamed view, so this is always used no matter what perform() returns -->
		<source-model name="data" />
			<transform src="templates/file1.xsl" />
			<transform src="templates/file2.xsl" />
	<command id="plain">


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