I don't know what the others do, but we split different projects in
different servers(orion instances), as we want to be able to stop/start
applications without affecting the rest. Now that hot deployment is
becoming a reality, we might start concentrating them using different
applications inside the same container instance. As we use a proxy
server in the port 80, the external URL will be exactly the same so no
Of course, in our case we prefer paying the extra step, the proxy,
because our performance requirements are not too high.
Just my 2ec,

darl zero wrote:
> Hi,
> This might be sort of a newbie question or just a very
> general one. I tried looking through archives before
> posting but no luck, maybe someone has a quick anwser.
> I would like to know if most of you break up your
> projects into a lot of small apps and bind this to a
> web-site, or do most of you just pile all the apps
> into one big one.. so that there is only one
> application running on one default-web-site.
> -p

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