Title: ³×À̹ö ¸ÞÀÏ

ÀÌ°øº¹ (kongbok) ´Ô²² º¸³»½Å ¸ÞÀÏ <RE: simple questions> ÀÌ ´ÙÀ½°ú °°Àº ÀÌÀ¯·Î Àü¼Û ½ÇÆÐÇß½À´Ï´Ù.
¼ö½ÅÀÚÀÇ ¸ÞÀÏ º¸°ü ¿ë·®ÀÌ °¡µæÂ÷ ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. ³ªÁß¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇϽʽÿÀ.

The steps for deploying on Orion are found in the Orion documentation 
(www.orionserver.com), supplemented by Orion support (www.orionsupport.com).  I 
suggest that you look at and implement the examples at www.jollem.com, regarding the 
Orion primer and Orion CMP primer.  As far as Tomcat goes, look at the examples in the 
documentation of an open source effort that uses Tomcat, such as Jboss (www.jboss.org) 
or Enhydra Enterprise (www.enhydra.org).  If you specifically want to use Tomcat and 
Orion, then a search through the Orion interest archives should address that 
connection, but I would personally use Resin (www.caucho.com) and Orion, and follow 
the EJB doc in Resin on how to connect the two. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hasan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 4:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: simple questions

hi, i am new to j2ee.
i have developed a simple app (just for adding, deleting, and editing the
dbase) using ejb.
i used jbuilder and inprise.

can anyone explain it to me the steps to deploy it on orion?
what files ,where the files to edit ,etc??

btw, though this is orion-specific, any one can tell me how to deploy it on
tomcat too??


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