Well, class shouldn't be ???, that's for sure... you should leave the
class attribute to be the com.evermind.whatever.it.is as the default

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Budi Prawira wrote:

> I've searched for it, but I cannot find one.
> How do I filled in the data-source.xml to connect to postgresql? fyi, I use
> postgresql7.0-1.2.jar.
> Are these correct?
>       <data-source
>               class="???"
>               name="Postgresql"
>               location="jdbc/PostgresqlDS"
>               xa-location="jdbc/xa/PostgresqlXADS"
>               ejb-location="jdbc/PostgresqlDS"
>               connection-driver="org.postgresql.Driver"
>               username="username"
>               password="password"
>               url="jdbc:postgresql:mydb"
>               inactivity-timeout="30"
>       />
> thanks!
> Budi

Joseph B. Ottinger                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://adjacency.org/                         IT Consultant

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