I got that too, and it's because the stupid autoupdater doesn't get all the 

here is what I had to do.
1- Move all the .jar files in an oldjar dir except autoupdate.jar and tools.jar
2- change server.xml and application.xml to server and application.old
3- Run the autoupdate
4- modify the new server.xml and application.xml

Now you're ready to rock.

1.5 seems to be quicker than previous version too.  At least for the stuff 
we use.


At 05:22 PM 5/21/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Just updated to 1.5.0, and now I get a NoSuchMethodError as follows:
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>method getQName(I)Ljava/lang/String; not found
>         at
>         at
>         at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Parser2.java:1475)
>         at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(Parser2.java:500)
>         at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(Parser2.java:305)
>         at
>         at
>         at com.evermind._ug.getJavaxDocument(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.xml.XMLUtils.getDocument(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig._ds(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig._ds(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._va(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.main(Unknown Source)
>Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
>James Fairbairn

Robert S. Sfeir
Director of Software Development
PERCEPTICON corporation
San Francisco, CA 94123
w - http://www.percepticon.com/
t - (415) 749-2900 x205

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