Title: SV: abstract-schema-name
I am trying to develop an JMS EJB, but I have bad luck with it.
If I try to deploy the atm example out of the box, just as explained on the orion web site, I get the same error as with my tiny, simple, short... JMS EJB:
Error deploying file:/opt/Orion_1.4.7/applications/atm/atm-ejb.jar homes: No javax.jms.ConnectionFactory found at the specified destination-location (jms/TopicConnectionFactory) for MessageDrivenBean com.acme.atm.ejb.MainLoggerEJB
How do I solve this, as this DRIVES me crazy as I can't find the JNDI reference anywhere in my application/atm ;( ????
PS: I haven't changed anything to the jms.xml file.
PS: Isn't there a good JMS EJB Orion example  available somewhere ??? I looked at some places and found examples for WebLogix and others, but nothing on the orrionsupport site. I like to write one, as the JMS gives every time the same error in the newsgroups but I can't find a good solution in the newsgroup :(-

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