We have xerces.jar in /orion/lib and it seems to work just fine.

Eric Knight
"chimps in diapers, now that's funny."

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryant Bunderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 10:07 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Alternate XML parser

Does anyone know the correct way to get Orion to use the Xerces parser?

We are using an embedded entity reference in our XML files which crimson
complains about. We are trying to use Xerces to parse the files. We have
tried putting the xerces.jar file in our application lib directory and
telling jdom to use it specifically and the application can't find the
xerces classes. We have tried putting xerces.jar in every classpath we can
think of but the app still can't find it.

We then tried to get Orion to use Xerces as it's default parser. Simply
setting the system properties for Jaxp doesn't work. Orion will fail to load
because it can't find the xerces parser. We ended up setting the Jaxp
properties AND removing the crimson parser and renaming the xerces.jar file
to crimson.jar. THIS IS SUCH A HACK! I generally think that Orion is a well
designed product and that there must be a better way to do this.


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