Using 1.4.5 with Oracle 8i and jdk1.3.1

The problem we are finding is that when orion starts a transaction, it does
not necessarily executes all DB commands within the same database

The end result is a deadlock in the database.

I'm having a problem executing a delete command that does a delete on child
tables using JDBC and finally, a delete in the parent table using

I tested the code two ways. 

The first, with no constraints on the database and the delete works fine.

The second, with foreign key constraings, causes a deadlock, where the
parent delete is waiting on the child deletes to commit. But this commit
will not happen until the parent is deleted.

I was able to duplicate the problem manually, opening two connections to the
database and issuing SQL statements. Off course, if I was doing this
manually, I would put both statements in the same transaction.

Here are my questions now:
-       Is it not allowed in EJB to mix JDBC and CMP Entity calls in the
same transaction?

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