I now have my tiny jms client submitting messages, but the ejb doesn't
consume them.

I use the atm example as guideline and have this running. However when I
have a look at the atm example, I notice that neither does atm logs !!1 That
is, there doesn't appear anything in the table com_acme_atm_ejb_mainlog
table, whereas other tables are filled!!

What are the specific orion requirements, such that the jms-ejb consumes the
message ?? ( I am running on 1.4.7) and how can I debug the problem (look at
the topics's or somthing like that )?? I don't get any output from orion in
any log !! (strange!!!)

I will shortly explain my client and ejb hereunder as they are really short:
The ejb-jar.xml:
      <description>JMS logger</description>

The onmessage part in the ejb:
  public void onMessage(Message message) {

    TextMessage textmessage = null;
    if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
      textmessage = (TextMessage)message;
    } else {

The client part:
  ctx=new InitialContext(p);

  tcon = tcf.createTopicConnection();
   tsession = tcon.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
   topic = (Topic)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/theTopic");
   tpublisher = tsession.createPublisher(topic);
   TextMessage message = tsession.createTextMessage();
   message.setText("Hello, World");

The part in the jms.xml file (I am not sure if this is necessary!!!??):
 <topic name="Demo Topic" location="jms/theTopic">
  <description>A dummy topic</description>

The application-client.xml:

That's it, but the ejb doesn't print anything to the STDOUT.
What am I doing wrong ????.


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