Java?  Memory leak?  Um, not likely.

Make sure you don't have some kind of infinite loop in your application.  I 
did that once, and got the error after Orion grew to 512MB of RAM, used up 
all the swap space too, then orion tried to recover and it couldn't.

If you ask me, I think it does a good job of handling situations like that.

If you don't have an infinite loop, try to 'force' a garbage collect at 
some point in your test and see if it helps.

Hey but what the heck do I know, I'm just a rookie.

At 01:50 PM 5/30/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I have a test website project, running on Orionserver - after running for
>maybe 15-20 hours, it suddently stops working, with the message : "Out of
>Memory - No Stack Trace Available"
>Is there some setting, where I setup the amount of memory for the
>Orionserver ?
>I have monitored "memory usage" and it keeps growing during the test period,
>until it suddently stops working, with the above memory error.
>What can I do - either there is a leak or it uses incredible much memory.
>(I dont use any objects, which earlier has been mentioned on this list for
>Any ideas, people ?
>Tony Fonager
>Netcoders ApS -

Robert S. Sfeir
Director of Software Development
PERCEPTICON corporation
San Francisco, CA 94123
w -
t - (415) 749-2900 x205

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