response.sendRedirect() is sent to the browser after loading is complete,
forward continues execution on the new page directly.

I suppose this is expected behaviour. Why would a code stop executing just
because of a method call? response.sendRedirect(...) whould be something
like Browser.setNextPage(...); and that method call would not cause this
function not to complete.

I'm sorry for sounding like a monday morning programmer who haven't even got
his first cup of coffee yet. Even though it is thursday...

Moving the return statement is the only way to stop execution.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Stickley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: 1.5.1 vs 1.4.7 RequestDispatcher

> I had a problem with request.sendRedirect where orion
> would continue processing the jsp or servlet below the
> sendRedirect.  It's like it ignored the redirect
> intirely.  I had to put a return; statement imediately
> following the sendRedirect statement.  Maybe this is
> related.
> --- Kit Cragin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there something that changed between 1.5.1 and
> > 1.4.7 that broke my
> > forward() requests?
> >
> > I have a servlet mapped to /start and protected by a
> > role, "user", in
> > web.xml. The servlet obtains a RequestDispatcher to
> > "/roles/user/index.jsp".
> > This JSP has an <iframe> that loads
> > "/roles/user/content.html".
> >
> > Under 1.4.7 when I do http://localhost/webapp/start
> > I got a login prompt as
> > expected and everything shows up correctly. Under
> > 1.5.1, the same URL causes
> > 3 login prompts. On the last one, I get a 401
> > unauthorized on content.html.
> > Anyone know why this could be occuring?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Kit Cragin
> > VP of Product Development
> > Mongoose Technology, Inc.
> >
> >
> >
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