* Personally I find the combination of apache+tomcat+jboss more complicated
in terms of configuration.
* Last I heard JBoss HA/clustering software is preliminary. Orion has
clustering setup documented but I have not try it. If you want web tier
servlet HttpSession failover Orion support it. You can't do it with Tomcat.
* You can update orion directly through the internet using the autoupdate
* Orion has nice GUI admin tool which let you see the internal of the

I can't speak for a production environment as I am still learning EJB. First
using Tomcat+Jboss now on Orion. Check out app servers comparison:
http://www.flashline.com/components/appservermatrix.jsp. The next best thing
in terms of license cost seems to be Macromedia JRun. Any one has any
comment on JRun?

Any idea is Orion going to the path of being an authorised Java licensee?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Duffey
Sent: Thursday, 31 May, 2001 1:35 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: So, why use Orion?


That's a tough call. Orion rocks in terms of performance, but they are far
behind most others in documentation and support. JBoss is rock solid on EJB
and has far more developers working on the project at any one time than I
would say any other app server. Documentation is pretty good and you can't
beat the price. The architecture of JBoss is pretty nice too. I think
Orion's strongest points are its performance. Because it integrates the web
server, jsp/servlet engine and ejb engine in a single jvm, its very fast.
Ofcourse, you can run it in two tiers as well leaving one for ejb, and one
for front-end web serving...nothing gigabit networking wont remedy in terms
of network speed as the only difference in performance between running it on
a single box in one jvm.  I am interested in seeing how well Apache 2,
Tomcat 4 and JBoss do as a team. Its a complete solution for web pages,
servlets/jsp, and ejb and its all free and very well supported.

I'd say the only downside to using free or cheap software is most companies
simply wont do it because they are too naive to realize its good quality
software. I still have yet to figure out why it is upper management involve
political crap into the mix when it comes to choosing a good solid platform
to deploy on. For some reason, if they have millions in the bank, they need
to spend millions on the hardware and software otherwise they can't justify

WebLogic 6 is very nice indeed, but you pay a premium, at $17K per cpu per
server for a clustered setup, it can easily cost > $100K for a site with
fail-over and backup at dual co-lo's.

Personally, I would use Apache 2, Tomcat 4 and JBoss for the reason of cost,
documentation, performance and support. Orion still kicks all butts in sheer
performance however.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
> Richardson
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:02 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: So, why use Orion?
> Hi,
> I'm trying to collect together reasons for chosing Orion over other app
> servers - our company's been doing a lot of research into EJB technology
> over the last few months and currently the favoured choices seem
> to be JBoss
> and Weblogic.
> I can understand JBoss as a target environment - after all it's
> free. But I
> haven't seen a good case (yet) for using Weblogic; as far as I know it's
> pretty expensive and support actually seems a little lacking from
> what I've
> heard from others. From what I know it is pretty feature-rich though.
> Anyway, there's a chance for using Orion in preference (or at least as
> another official environment) given a solid list of reasons...
> Any ideas would be appreciated - performance, scalability, standards
> adherance, reliability, cost, platform availability, support,
> documentation
> quaility etc. etc. (I've been using it for a couple of months now and
> haven't had any trouble other than the usual learning 'glitches' :-)
> cheers
> Jules

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