   I guess by the err log, that you are trying to use this method in a JSP page.
   As by the specs in a JSP to get a reference to the cotext you should use the "pageContext" object, that is found in every JSP page.
   Why not give it a try?
   Vector vectorUsuarios = (Vector)pageContext.getAttribute("vu");
   pageContext is an object of type javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.

   There is also one implicit object: "application". It should be of type javax.servlet.ServletContext. So you can also try:
   Vector vectorUsuarios = (Vector)application.getAttribute("vu");
   BTW. Your problem is the getServletContext method, not the getAttribute :)
   Hope this helps.
   May the shade of the tree strengthen you.
> Hi all,
> I'm a newbie using Orion and I have a problem.
> I need to get Servlet Context to get an attribute, but when I use
> getServletContext().getAttribute("Attribute") I receive the follow error:
> /jsp/adestadoc.jsp.java:35: Method getServletContext() not found in class
> /jsp/adestadoc.jsp. (JSP page line 9)
>         Vector vectorUsuarios =
> (Vector)getServletContext().getAttribute("vu");
> I've put tools.jar and rt.jar in the Orion directory. I havenīt any other
> problems executing servlets and jsp pages.
> Can anybody help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Antonio

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