I have just started to play around with the Orion server and am very
impressed by it.  Installation and configuration was a snap, performance
and footprint are great.  I have, however, noticed one ideosyncracy that I
hope somebody will be able to help me with.

I have some text files on my site that are part of a knowledge base.
These files contain only ASCII characters, the excute permissions are not
set, and the files do not have an extension.  The Orion server delivers
these files with an HTTP content type set to "application/octet-stream".
Apache delivers these same files with a content type of "text/plain".  The
latter is preferable to me as it allows browsers to render the files.  Is
there any way to change the content type that Orion uses to deliver these

Please note that changing the files (either by converting them to html or
adding a file extension) is not really an option.

Best regard,

-- Norbert Papke.

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