Please consider my Linux addendum to the SSL configuration documentation.  Or perhaps 
someone could post this on a site somewhere:


This document is Linux centric.  You may be using a version of the JDK which contains 
the hosed version of the keytool.  If you are having trouble getting SSL to work in 
Linux, and are being forced to go to a Windoze box to generate your keystore or are 
getting any of the following error messages:

* keytool error: RSA KeyPairGenerator not 
* keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply
* keytool error: IOException: Sequence tag 

then this document may be helpful to you.  Included in this document is the SSL document and the followup, just
in case you haven't seen it.  If you have then by now they are frustratingly
familiar as are the replies to your cries of help that redirect you back to those 


This guide explains how to set up a secure site that's accessible through the https 
protocol. For setting up SSL in Orion, only
step 2 and 3 are necessary, but to use SSL you need a certificate and step 1 goes 
through how to get a certificate from thawte for
testing purposes. For SSL you need JDK 1.3 or you have to download a third party 
provider. Also, for some reason the
thawte-site might not work if you copy/paste using certain netscape versions. 

1.Creating a keystore with a certificate:
        keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore keystore -storepass 123456 -validity 
         keytool -certreq -keyalg "RSA" -file -keystore keystore 
         paste the .csr to 
         paste the result into 
         keytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import -trustcacerts -file 

     You'll now have a "keystore" file in your current directory.

   2.Creating a secure site: 
         Copy the default-web-site.xml config in the /config directory to 
secure-web-site.xml and edit it. 
         Add secure="true" as an attribute to the <web-site ...> <web-site> tag. 
         Add <ssl-config keystore="../my/keystore" keystore-password="123456" /> the 
keystore to the main body. 
         Install the site, this is done by adding %lt;web-site 
path="./secure-web-site.xml" /> the site to server.xml. 
   3.Setting up cert-based client auth: 
         Add needs-client-auth="true" to the node. 
         Get a client cert for testing, this can be done at: 
         Login as a user and register your profile, this can be done via the page 
found at /demo/ssl/ssl-user-registration.jsp 


 First, realise that the documentation contained in is correct, although
 it leaves some important information out. Here are the first two parts of it, 
replicated with my notes.

   1.Creating a keystore with a certificate: 

     Note that the Linux keytool binaries that I tried (including Sun's and IBM's) 
completely failed to use the RSA
     algorithm, which is necessary. What I did was generate the keystore under 
Windows, and then copy the
     keystore file to Linux. However, this aspect is still untested; if anyone else 
wants to independently verify that it
     works, I'd appreciate it.

          keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore -storepass 123456 -validity

          Note: the CN must match the fully qualified domain name of the machine. If 
you're planning on using
          "";, you'll need to use "" as the CN.

          keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -file -keystore keystore 
          paste the .csr to 

          You will want to generate a key with a chained SSL key, not the default.

          paste the result into 
          keytool -keystore keystore -keyalg RSA -import -trustcacerts -file

     You'll now have a keystore file in your current directory.

   2.Creating a secure site: 
          Copy the default-web-site.xml config in the $ORION/config directory to
          $ORION/config/secure-web-site.xml and edit it. 
          Add secure="true" as an attribute to the <web-site> node, and remove the 
port attribute. 
          Add <ssl-config keystore="../my/keystore" keystore-password="123456" /> to 
          main body. The keystore path is relative from the $ORION/config directory. 
          Install the site, this is done by adding web-site 
path="./secure-web-site.xml" /> to


* Switch the JDK you are using

We use different JDK's for different things.  Consequently, our servers have
multiple JDKs available:  one via the CLASSPATH and several by manually
changing the CLASSPATH in the command for the servlet/application or whatever
we are doing.  So, your task of setting up a new JDK may be much more
extensive and require serious strategizing if you are doing this on an
important production server.  I did this on my workstation.  I never use RPMs
for the JDK.  Just grab that huge file over at and drop it into
JAVA_HOME/JDK_OF_YOUR_CHOICE and make a symlink to the one I want available
via the CLASSPATH.

The afore mentioned error messages I was getting didn't make much sense until
someone told that a couple of versions of the JDK had a malfunctioning
keytool.  I didn't find any documenation on the Internet about that problem,
but that may be because I wasn't looking for it.  Instead of going to a
different computer us the above keytool commands, I changed my JDK and the
commands worked like a champ!  So try a different JDK.

* Now use the keytool

Now that you have changed which JDK you are using, reissue the above commands
and see if they don't work better for you.  Instead of using a person's name I
wrote the name of the domain (


The above information about was a little inssuficient, so here
is how I generated my test cert:

type of certificate = Test SSL Chained CA Cert
certificate format = Netscape


Verisign provides a free 14 day test certificate.  They require a special
browser side certificate too so that they can curtail abuse of the free cert.  
Just choose their server one and when you go to pay, select the free 14 day
trial.  You won't have to provide any of the credit card information.  At this
time I haven't pursued it, but I will soon.


As of the JDK 1.3 the SSL packages are optional.  Apparently they will be
defaulted in as of the JDK 1.4 which is in beta currently.  Anyway, it may be
neccessary for you to locate jsse.jar, jcert.jar and jnet.jar and place them
into JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext.  Although I didn't benefit from this, it may be
neccesary depending upon which version of the JDK you choose to use.  You can
grab the jars you need from the jsse part of


Let me describe the system I solved the problem on:

* RedHat 7.0
* Kernel 2.2.14-5.0
* I didn't install RedHat's version of java
* I didn't RPM java, I used the source (there is no building process, just put
  it into your CLASSPATH.
* I was using IBM's 1.3 and switched to Sun's 1.3

If you find this document useful, please send one bottle of your favorite beer

Jerry Cornelius
c/o Web-X, Inc.
738 Broadway
Ste. 100
Tacoma, WA 98402 

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