Has anyone else noticed that if you now put an ORDER BY clause in the finder
method query, it is totally ignored. We've just gone from Orion 1.3.8  where
it worked fine, to 1.5.2 where it no longer works. 

There was some discussion back in March (see
that putting ORDER BY clauses into the finder-method query was futile
because (quote):

"The reason it has worked for you so far is because your container has used
an instance of java.util.ArrayList/LinkedList, which indeed does guarantee
order. But CMP Entity EJB's finder methods do not return java.util.List's!
They return java.util.Collection. Your functionality will break when the
container changes it's implementation."

The question is, have the Orion team changed the implementation and
therefore removed what I consider to be a quite powerful feature of CMP
finder methods?

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