Hi All,
    I am having a problem deploying my EJBs on 1.5.2
-- I just upgraded yesterday.  Everything ran stellar on 1.4.5.
However, in order to get my EJBs to work on 1.4.5, I had to deploy them
then stop the server and copy over the orion-ejb-jar.xml file into my
source and re-deploy.  When I restarted, the container would detect
these descriptors and use what ever information I customized in them --
primarily table names and findBy methods.  With 1.5.2 it does not seem
to detect these descriptiors any more.  As a result, several of my
findBy methods do not work and others point to database tables that do
not exists. In fact, Orion is creating the wrong tables on deployment.
Does anyone have any ideas?

    AJ Wellman

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