I have a problem with an otherwise  successfull Orion test implementation.

It works well, no errors are generated or trapped during our stress test,
but sometimes when calling a webpage on the Orionserver, I get this error in
Internet Explorer browser :

    "A connection with the server could not be established"

I refuses to give me a connection to the server ?!?!?!? Sometimes I just get
the wellknown page in Internet Explorer, where it said the server cannot be
located or DNS error ...

If I refresh, the normal result comes up ... if I continue to press refresh,
the same situation can occur again.

It must be told, that the machine running this test i VERY stressed, taking
up 95% of the processortime during the test.

But I cannot accept, that my calls to the Orion server gets cut off - then I
would prefer a slow response time, rather then not even getting a connection

Any ideas what I can do about this ?

Friendly greetings from Denmark,
Tony Fonager

Netcoders ApS - http://www.netcoders.dk
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