we have a 'dev' instance on box 1...we can deploy a web app using the
'exploded directory structure', and put our sybase jdbc driver zip file
in lib under j2ee/home...works  great.

we have a 'test' instance on box 2...with 2 instances of orion running
in a load-balanced cluster. We set an auto-deploy directory in our
server xml files pointing to a shared file space (afs). We than .ear up
the web app we had in 'dev' and deploy...it looks like deployment
worked, but the sybase jdbc drivers are not visible..I get class not
found...even tho the jconnect40.zip file is in the same j2ee/home/lib
directory as on 'dev'....is there some catch to distributing web apps to
a cluster that effects the visibility of .jar files placed in

I saw some messages about starting orion with a classpath directive in
the java command explicitly mapping jar files, such as is done when
starting jserv manually...is this the  'gotcha' of this type of config?

 Any help appreciated...

  Mike Conway
  UNC-Chapel Hill

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