Could anybody please describe once and for all ALL the steps required in
deploying an MDB under Orion ?! It's not normal, you write the code in 5
minutes and you styruggle one day or more to do the deployment :(( ! 

Here's what I have tried - with no success in having the bean to react :

1. Added resource-ref entries in the deployment descriptor ejb-jar.xml

                <description>Listener message driven bean</description>
                                <description>The log topic where log events
are broadcasted...</description>
                                <description>The Factory used to produce
connections to the log topic...</description>

    Orion will automatically add resource-ref-map entries in
                        <resource-ref-mapping name="jms/theTopic" />
name="jms/theTopicConnectionFactory" />
    Now my question : DO WE NEED TO USE destination-location AND
connection-factory-location ATTRIBUTES FOR message-driven-deployment OR NOT

2.   I tried without those resource-ref entries in ejb-jar.xml and just
setting destination-location and connection-factory-location and no success

Now, I have a client that uses JMS to publish messages to the topic
(actually is a Log4J JMS appender object) - it uses the following parameters

<appender name="JMS" class="">
           <param name="TopicConnectionFactoryBindingName"
           <param name="TopicBindingName" value="java:comp/env/jms/theTopic"
           <param name="JNDIContextFactory"
           <param name="URLContextFactory" value="ormi://localhost/mCare" />
           <param name="User" value="admin" />
           <param name="Passwd" value="admin" />


I've tested, it is sending a message to the topic -> I changed Orion's
jmschat example to receive any type o message and it does receive the
messages sent by the client.

Now, what do I need to put in jms.xml ?! I've only added the topic's

        <topic name="jms/theTopic" location="jms/theTopic">
                <description>A dummy topic</description>

What am I missing ?!??? I'm tired ! :(((

Thanks !


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