Hello, I was curious when is the Orion team planning on releasing a version that will support the local interfaces that are part of the (proposed) EJB 2 spec.  Or will you wait for the spec to become finalized.
In lieu of that:
I was scouring through the orion mail list and saw a discussion about whether Orion uses a different mechanism when a client that is co-located in the same VM as an ejb invokes a remote interface method as opposed to when the client is truly "remote" (in the sense that it's in another VM or on another physical machine).
I didn't see a clear response to that question.
My interest, of course, is in performance.
RMI has 2 performance hits associated with it:
1.  If from another machine, obviously the network latency involved
2.  The serialization/deserialization (marshalling/unmarshalling if you prefer) of method arguments and return values.
Obviously, it is this very issue that the EJB 2 spec is addressing with the advent of local interfaces.  But I need to implement my system now, and it has large implications for how I architect the system, i.e. what the current release of Orion does.
I'd appreciate any help from the Orion team.  Thanks.
P.S.  Congratulations on helping Oracle see the light.

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