Well they were in META-INF. Just a little typo there!

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Smith
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 8:05 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Transaction rollback problems because of incomplete
> orion-ejb.jar
> Why are you putting session bean deployment files in a web module
> directory?
> You need to put the deployment descriptor file for an EJB in the correct
> place, META-INF not WEB-INF.
> -jason
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> -------------
> I'm using orion 1.5.2 and I have the following problem: I have a
> session-bean that is accessing a datasource in transaction context. I have
> added an orion-ejb.jar in <deployment jar>/WEB-INF, containing a
> resource-ref-mapping pointing to the EJBDS for I want transaction support
> for this datasource.
> <session-deployment ... >
>   <resource-ref-mapping location="jdbc/myEJBDS" name="jdbc/myDS" />
> </session-deployment>
> After I deploy the application I can see in the deployment-directory that
> Orion only succesfully copies all setting form my orion-ejb.jar for the
> entity-beans but fails to copy the settings for my session beans. The
> resource-ref-mapping for the session beans lacks the location.
> <session-deployment ... >
>   <resource-ref-mapping name="jdbc/myDS" />
> </session-deployment>
> As a consequence the datasource doesn't point to the EJBDS and therefore
> will not participate in a transaction, that is, transaction
> rollbacks do not
> affect the changes made through this datasource.
> The datasources.xml file looks like this:
> <data-sources>
>   <data-source
>     class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
>     name="DS"
>     location="jdbc/myDS"
>     xa-location="jdbc/xa/myDS"
>     ejb-location="jdbc/myEJBDS"
>     connection-driver="com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB"
>     url="jdbc:sapdb:DS"
>     username="DBA"
>     password="DBA"
>     inactivity-timeout="30"
>     schema="../../config/database-schemas/sapdb.xml"
>   />
> </data-sources>
> So, help!
> Ron

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