
  OrionServer 1.5.2 is EJB2.0 Proposed Final Draft 1 compliant (i think there
may be some PFD2 "things" in there as well) but, i don't believe much more is
going to be completed towards the 2.0 spec until the 2.0 spec is final.  Therein
lies the partiality of the EJB2.0 support.

peace - scot

Vincent Massol wrote:

> Does anyone know when EJB 2.0 local interfaces will be available in Orion ?
> Apparently they are not currently implemented (see
> What would be really nice would be to detail more what is supported in Orion
> 1.5.2 on the main page of the orion web site. Instead of saying "Partial EJB
> 2.0 support", detail what is supported ... (and what date of the spec. as it
> has recently changed ...).
> Thanks
> -Vincent

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