After hearing numerous people request/inquire an LDAP-based User Manager,
I decided to hack one together a few months ago.  I have placed it under a
BSD-style license.  Please feel free to download it at and e-mail me with any questions,
comments, patches, etc.

  - At this time, it only does "simple" (aka clear-text
or insecure) authentication.
  - Based on OpenLDAP 2.x, but should run against any LDAP server.
  - Requires specific attributes to define users, groups, and permissions
that are accessible to Orion.
  - Only runs against Orion 1.5.2 (this is due to the code obfuscation
that Ironflare does to orion.jar)... however, this could easily be
changed.  In fact, the original version ran agains 1.4.8.
  - LDAP connection pooling was removed due to a bug, but will be added
back in.  Therefore, it uses only one connection (other than
  - It DOES plug in to the Orion console.  However, since the console was
not designed for a tree-like structure, it will add users and groups to
the default subcontext.
  - The LDAP referral code has been removed, but will be added back in.
  - I *MAY* have screwed up how to implement groups in OpenLDAP.
  - The documentation SUCKS!

-matthew porter

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