We use http://www.kcmultimedia.com/javaserv/

The one catch was shutting down orion.  I solved it by spawning a new java
proc and calling admin.jar .... -shutdown, everything worked fine.

If you need more info, ie. source, let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 12:26 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Running Orion as a service..??

Hi all,

This is an old question..I have asked it before. But the last few times I
saw this on the list, the products recommended to me didn't work well. I
forget which one, but one did work..partly. The service started fine, but
when you tried to shut it down, it would just hang. I also know of the
"log-off" problem and this one worked. What I am asking now..especially
since Oracle OC4J is basically Orion, is there a DEFINITE solution to
running Orion (and java for that matter) as a service that WORKS on WinNT
and Win2K (pro and server)?

Another thing..why does Orion not have its own service capability? I know it
needs to run on many platforms, but I would think it possible to create a
subfolder in the distribution for windows, linux, etc (or..even better to
keep the main distribution small, a separate add-on service

So, if someone could hook me up with a good link or two to service runners
that actually work with Win2K, and can run java programs, that would be
great. Ideally I would like the ability to see the output window show up in
a given Terminal session incase I have to Terminal in to a Win2K Server box
and start, stop or restart the service. But this is not mandatory.


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