Title: RE: External JMS broker with Orion
Hi all,
We have a few .jar files we use that we have created. We are breaking our site into 3 WAR files (outside, inside and admin). Each one needs use of these .jar files. Is it necessary to put the .jar files in each web-apps WEB-INF\lib folder? Or can we just place them in /orion/lib and have Orion automatically add them to the classpath? We also use the oracle jdbc.jar, xerces.jar, and so on. These should also go in the /orion/lib dir, correct?
Now, the reason I ask this is two fold. First, I would love to not have anything in WEB-INF/lib if at all possible..reducing the size of the .war file. But more so, since we have more than one application using the same .jar files, it would be nice for them to be in one central location and not have to be deployed with each web application. The problem is..I don't remember exactly but I do recall that I moved some of these .jar files to the /orion/lib, and even the /java/etc folder, and they for some reason didn't seem to get picked up. When I tried running our application, it couldn't find the packages/classes of these .jar files and I am not sure why.
Lastly, Orion packages xerces.jar, parser.jar, jax.jar, mail.jar and so on in its root dir. If I want to use the latest xerces.jar file, I know I can overwrite the existing one in Orion, but it seems to make more sense to put non-Orion specific jar files from 3rd party vendors into the /orion/lib dir. Just out of curiousity..why doesn't Orion package them in the /lib dir? Orion (and other app servers) usually pick up any .jar files in the /lib dir and automatically add it to the "global" classpath, doesn't it?

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