   Today I've spent some time trying to install Orion Server on OpenBSD
using jdk1.2-blackdown (from ports) on top of compat_linux. Finally, I got
everything installed and went to run Orion. The result is:

[orion@ricardo]~/orion> java -green -jar orion.jar
7/22/01 1:41 AM 1.5.2 Started
Warning: Error reading transaction-log file
(/home/orion/orion/persistence/transaction.state) for recovery: premature
end of file
Forced or abrubt (crash etc) server shutdown detected, starting recovery
Recovery completed, 0 connections committed and 0 rolled back...
7/22/01 1:41 AM Forced or abrubt (crash etc) server shutdown detected,
starting recovery process...
7/22/01 1:41 AM Recovery completed, 0 connections committed and 0 rolled
Opened logfile "/home/goldbarter/logs/javaerror.log"
Opened logfile "/home/goldbarter/logs/db.log"
Opened logfile "/home/goldbarter/logs/warn.log"
Opened logfile "/home/goldbarter/logs/debug.log"
Done loading logfiles...
SIGSEGV   11*  segmentation violation
OUCH: nested memory code, to 1 levels.
zsh: killed     java -green -jar orion.jar

For some reason, it segfaults after it has loaded my load-on-startup
servlet, even.

I tried jdk1.3.1, and it works fine. The only issue is that my code
doesn't work correctly in JDK 1.3 because of the dreaded "property XXX of
bean XXX is read only" bug/feature.

Anyone have any ideas? Anyone successfully running Orion Server on

-Todd Lipcon


"It's not that easy being green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold...
or something much more colorful like that." -Kermit the Frog

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