> Hi
> Please help me. I am working with a stateless EJB and I have about 250
> clients which has to use this EJB.
> When the clients access to the SLEJB concurretly, the Orion crash, and the
> server.log shows:
> 7/4/01 6:45 PM Internal server error
> java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
>       at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
>       at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(Unknown Source)
>       at java.util.AbstractCollection.remove(Unknown Source)
>       at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.gb(JAX)
>       at com.evermind.server.rmi.ba.run(JAX)
>       at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)
> Anyone knows something about this.
> Thanks!
> Esteban.

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