Servlet2.3 doesn't specify any sharing between web applications.  You can't forward request from one application to another this is not possible with existing spec.  If you need this kind of functionality you can get with redirect.  As far with servlet2.3 each web application is independent and their resource loading and class loading are different.

Kesav Kumar Kolla
Voquette Inc
650 356 3740(W)
510 889 6840(R)
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information

-----Original Message-----
From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 12:41 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: What happened to this mailing list???

Hi all,
Deploying 3 web-apps in one application in Orion; Outside, Inside and Admin. Outside is mostly static, with a login section. The login section takes the user to the Inside app by calling into it via a /inside/ (using the popular Struts MVC syntax). This all works.  Using Struts MVC (and even with my own), it appears that when trying to forward to a different web-app context, its not possible. At least not yet..could be my code. In MVC, the ControllerServlet running in one context, tries to forward to a resource. Almost always this is in the same servlet-context (web-app) as the ControllerServlet. In my case, I want a user to log out, which takes them to the outside index.jsp page again. The normal RequestDispatcher() is part of the Inside web-app context, so when it tries to forward to a /index.jsp, I would think the / would indicate the context to forward to. This doesn't appear to work. So then I tried using the ServletContext.getContext(url) call where the url is the same as the forwarding resource. Thus, to forward from any web-app to the outside "root" index.jsp page, I do something like:  getServletContext().getContext("/index.jsp").getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);  This gets the right ServletContext of the root app. I have tested this by creating an object and setting it as an attribute in the /index.jsp, and in the ControllerServlet I get the ServletContext and look up the attribute (before trying to forward), and it finds it. So when using that ServletContext and trying to forward, its still not finding the page. I continue to get 404 not found errors.
My question it possible to forward from one web-app to another? It appears to work when I go from the / to the /inside context just fine (at least it appears that on the JSP page using a href or form action url path of /inside/, it does work by calling into the /inside web-app). I can't imagine that deploying multiple web-apps limits you to not even forwarding to another web-app. I do know you can't share any data between web-apps, but being able to jump from one web-app to another via links and via forwarding should work..shouldn't it? The API isn't exactly clear on this..but I will look at it again.

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