Hi Ashok,

the two beans are in two individual ejb-jar files, with both beans deployed 
successfully, I know this because they work fine when I connect simple clients to 
them,  and both work from the same client when the classpath is set correctly.

The contents of the files are

SimpleSessionBean.class + other classes

SimpleEntityBean + other classes

By other classes I mean the Home interfaces etc etc and standard java classes which 
the Beans use.

The SimpleSessionBean references the SimpleEntityBean and some of the standard classes.

I don't think ears are suitable for this are they?

Thanks for all your help,
I really do appreciate it!

Subject: Re: Help with exception, could be classpath related
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 20:08:03 -0700
From: Ashok Banerjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are the 2 beans in the different applications (ear files)? If so you may want
to specify one application as the parent of the other. Cheers,

> Hello All,
> hope you can help me with this as I'm unsure exactly what it means,
> I use a session bean to invoke methods on an entity bean, the error seems
> to be in the Entity Bean but it has been tested from a client and it works,
> I think it may be due to the classpath, as I've had to put the classes into
> the server.xml as <Library path="...">file before I could see them from
> ejbs. any ideas are very welcome,
> Thanks,
> Albert.
> Here is the exception I get from the terminal I start Orion server from:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: __Proxy0
> at SimpleEntityBean.Submit(SimpleEntityBean.java:230)
> at
> SimpleEntity_EntityBeanWrapper0.Submit(SimpleEntity_EntityBeanWrapper0.java
>:268) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> at com.evermind._dh._gc(Unknown Source)
> at com.evermind._if.run(Unknown Source)
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