
I am trying to exculde my JSP files from the war file, such that the
designer can easily change them without my help (withoud deployment,

Anyone any idea/advice how to do that as I tried many things, but
appearantly am not able to succeed ?

What I tried  (I am running on a linux box, RedHat 7.0, Orion 1.5.1, JDK
1.3) ?
- First I changed the jsp entry in my web.xml, from a relative path to a
absolute path, that doesn't work, as he always starts looking from within
the web application:
  <display-name>Main page of web-shop</display-name>

- I did add a virtual directoy entry in orion-web.xml of the the default web
application, as the application runs under the default web application:
<virtual-directory real-path="/home/development/vwr/web-client/jsp"
virtual-path="/VWR/jsp" />
However this doesn't work as the j2ee application itself listens to the root
url /VWR/.
It also tried the following:
<virtual-directory real-path="/home/development/vwr/web-client/jsp"
virtual-path="/VWR_jsp" />
Which works but then the jsp's don't run in the application environment, and
as such you need to make a connection as if you were an external j2ee
client, which isn't very logical ofcource.
- I tried to put a symbolic link in the war file to the jsp's, but jar
doesn't understand that. It will just copy all the files.

Any ideas are more than welcome.

Eddie :(

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