I run pretty much the same setup as you. What I've found, is that it is easier
to compile the JSP under NetBeans and let it gripe about errors. Servlets and
other classes are easy to debug remotely, but JSP's get compiled to servlets
and then run. I have had a much tougher time debugging them interactively, and
discovered by accident the JSP compile in NetBeans. I believe it uses the
Tomcat JSP handler internally. I have not had any problems with it since.

My initial experience was debugging JSP via IBM's VAJ environment. It was ok
for debugging JSP, but it would blow up occassionally and I would have to
uninstall & reinstall (VAJ). I find NetBeans much more stable and reliable,
even though I can not debug the JSP's directly.

There may be some other way that I am missing - I keep finding neat new feature
under NetBeans.....


From: "Dmitriy Serebryakov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@orionserver.com on 08/29/2001
      12:59 AM AST

Please respond to "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


To:   "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Does anyone know how to get working Netbeans 3.2 with orion 1.5.2 to
      debug JSP's?

Hi, Everyone

Might be it is simple, but I have tried, no luck, no use of FAQ from
orionserver.com neither docs for both orion and Netbeans. I could not find
clear explanation what to do to get JSP's debugged.
Any suggestions about best (or better) way to do that, may be another IDE?

Running JDK 1.3 SE on Win2K Pro on Intel Pentium, Orionserver 1.5.2,
NetBeans 3.2.1


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